Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Enjoying the warmth of home during the winter months.

Enjoying the warmth and feeling of security in your cozy home or the homes of friends and relatives during the winter months. They aren't really so bad after all,  yes we go out and fight the elements but we are so lucky we have a place we can call home.

~ The Beauty, Charm and Warmth of Candles ~ ♥

 Donna's Corner~~Things I Love's photo.

~ How Precious is this little Cutie Pie in the Autumn Leaves! I've found some pictures that look a bit like my Grand Dog ~ but this looks EXACTLY like him ~ and he loves his Grandmama and his Grandmama loves him! ♥ :)

As much as I am not thrilled with it being November because it means being cold and in a lot of cases in the dark when you go to work and when you come home.  I must admit since I can’t do anything about it, November is not going away and when it does it is not taking winter with it I find things about it very cozy.  It’s the time of year where you have to slow down, tough to have a baseball game or hike in the darkness.  You run around a lot but it’s for fun things like gifts for people or things for big dinners or parties. We tend to gather more during the winter it just feels more cozy to share it with others. It’s a good time of year to catch up on some reading you have been meaning to do, or perhaps some sewing or projects you just have time to get to in the summer months.  The smells of good foods like cakes and cookies fill the air and we actually have time to sit down and have meals together.  Sooo as much as I’d like to fight it, there are some good things about the winter season that aren’t so bad.  The snow is gorgeous, especially fun to see the first flakes as they surprise us from above.  And of course when you have been outside in the chill  there are always the warm toasty fires, candles and the warmth of home to come to.  Life has calmed down and we have the time to be with the people we have truly missed while running from event to event during the summer. We can then realize how much we appreciate having them in our lives and how thankful we are .

 Donna's Corner~~Things I Love's photo.

~ Beautiful ~ ♥

~ And the Wonder of the Beautiful White Gate ~ Decorated with Garland ~ Leading the Path to the White Country Church ~ ♥

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