Sunday, March 5, 2017

Springs coming and we hope very soon !

I had read on Facebook it is predicted that spring will be arriving early this year but they didn't say what date to plan it.   But whatever the date we will embrace it!  It's been an odd winter when it's been good it's been really nice but the when it hasn't been good we have endured . Those days we just wanted to hibernate .

Many people took hard tumbles on the ice me a included in fact in fell twice in one day . The first call to my daughter was "you need to be so careful "the second call was silence . I can now say I've experienced a fat lip for the first time. I will not be getting lip plumpers !

On the good days it got warm and we played outside while the next day we confused the children making them bundle up tight. Lol when we told them noooo boots or heavy coats they were all smiles "what?!"  When we told them bundle up we got "you've gotta be kidding what?!"

It's been fun but it's gotta be done !