

4 Clever Ways to Preserve the Life of Your Berries
by Dwyer Frame, Senior Style Editor
May 27, 2015
Fresh berries are one of summer’s greatest treasures, but their quick spoilage rate can lead to waste and frustration. After some research, we found a simple vinegar rinse recipe from our friend The Krazy Coupon Lady that seems to improve the life of strawberries by a few days. Plus, one of my favorite gadgets are the great OXO GreenSaver Produce Keepers that use charcoal packets and a lifted inside container to ensure produce freshness. We also reached out to readers on Reality Checker Central to get their ideas. Here are a few of their smart strategies to keep berries fresh:
1. Freshen with the power of citrus. “Spray berries with lemon juice—the citrus kills the mold and the berries will retain their flavor. I also freeze them in small batches for use later. Lie them flat, not touching to freeze, then when frozen place in a Ziploc bag in freezer.” —Claudia M.
2. Make sure they’re super-dry. “Put them in a Debbie Meyer Green Container. After they have been washed and are bone dry, they last a long time. You could freeze them in that container, too, but mine last two weeks just in the container.” —Becky C.
3. Use the right container. “I put them in a Tupperware Green container made for keeping fruit fresher. I do not rinse them until ready to eat.” —Janie M.
4. Prevent mold. “I have a berry keeper and I wait to wash just before eating, to keep them drier and to keep away mold and fungus.” —Cheryl B.
Tell us, how do you keep your berries fresh? Do you use any gadgets? Or try any other DIY solutions? Tell us in the comments!