I usually go to Webster Park but during the winter they close the gates so you can't go down by the water. I did notice some people were not deterred by this and parked next to the gate. I was not so brave and there was no spot for me anyway, sooooooo
I thought do I really wanna go to the water over the little bridge in Irondequoit? At first I thought nah I can wait . Then I thought wait?! I'd be waiting till spring, can't wait that long and I do enjoy going over the little bridge that goes into Irondequoit over by Seabreeze. The little bridge is only accessible from November till April then it is closed so the boats can go back and forth from the bay into the lake. So with camera phone in the cup holder of the car , thought I was gonna say in my hand didn't you, that would be illegal :-) I went over the little bridge to find water.. The sun was shining and it was 50 something degrees a day you just can't let go by, A tad cold to go to the beach , I don't fish but I do enjoy taking lots of pics.
I found other people with the same idea.

I did enjoy myself , good thing I took them when I did though, the weather turned much colder after that day. I may have to wait a few months for it to be warm enough to take some pics without freezing while I'm out there.
Where do you enjoy taking pictures? Let me know I'm sure there are many places out there that have life just waiting for my camera to check out.
Have fun !