Sunday, March 5, 2017
Springs coming and we hope very soon !
I had read on Facebook it is predicted that spring will be arriving early this year but they didn't say what date to plan it. But whatever the date we will embrace it! It's been an odd winter when it's been good it's been really nice but the when it hasn't been good we have endured . Those days we just wanted to hibernate .
Many people took hard tumbles on the ice me a included in fact in fell twice in one day . The first call to my daughter was "you need to be so careful "the second call was silence . I can now say I've experienced a fat lip for the first time. I will not be getting lip plumpers !
On the good days it got warm and we played outside while the next day we confused the children making them bundle up tight. Lol when we told them noooo boots or heavy coats they were all smiles "what?!" When we told them bundle up we got "you've gotta be kidding what?!"
It's been fun but it's gotta be done !
Saturday, January 7, 2017
The other day I went in search of water....the lake kind :-)
I usually go to Webster Park but during the winter they close the gates so you can't go down by the water. I did notice some people were not deterred by this and parked next to the gate. I was not so brave and there was no spot for me anyway, sooooooo
I thought do I really wanna go to the water over the little bridge in Irondequoit? At first I thought nah I can wait . Then I thought wait?! I'd be waiting till spring, can't wait that long and I do enjoy going over the little bridge that goes into Irondequoit over by Seabreeze. The little bridge is only accessible from November till April then it is closed so the boats can go back and forth from the bay into the lake. So with camera phone in the cup holder of the car , thought I was gonna say in my hand didn't you, that would be illegal :-) I went over the little bridge to find water.. The sun was shining and it was 50 something degrees a day you just can't let go by, A tad cold to go to the beach , I don't fish but I do enjoy taking lots of pics.
I found other people with the same idea.

I did enjoy myself , good thing I took them when I did though, the weather turned much colder after that day. I may have to wait a few months for it to be warm enough to take some pics without freezing while I'm out there.
Where do you enjoy taking pictures? Let me know I'm sure there are many places out there that have life just waiting for my camera to check out.
Have fun !
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Happy New Year 2017!
I always get excited about the new year, but for some reason for 2016 I just wasn't as prepared as I should have been. I think because I was scrambling more, trying to spiral from the money issues I had I was trying to survive more then welcoming the new year. I had a pretty good year in 2016 had it's ups and downs a great new budding relationship , and a year of figuring things out,
But this year I am ready! I'm going to make up my bucket list and cross off things as I go . My daughter and I went to Barnes and Nobel yesterday got our new calendars and planners so we can plan plan plan.... Last year I tried to use a notebook as a journal, for me that just doesn't work I need an official book type of journal to record all of the things I intend to do on my bucket list and actually remember how much I had while doing things as I check them off.
I have big hopes for this year, write down my list of goals not resolutions, seems as though resolutions are meant to be broken... my goals which I will write down in the front of my journal to remind me . My bucket list will be in there as well.
How do you plan for your exciting new year? What kinds of things will you add to your bucket list and your goals? we can all learn from each other.
I am taking down all of the Santa decorations that I have around my apartment, in their places I am adding beachy things......I'm thinking since my tree is not large and its artificial I may keep it up since I enjoy it being there with the lights go to a craft store and find hearts to hang on it... then shamrocks ..easter eggs , fish and shells ...... in the fall leaves and ring me back to Christmas again, whatcha think...
I am making my first spinach ..mushroom quiche of the new year..... paying my rent soon and early...dropping off books at the library early.....I'm going to try to pay things early when I can , save some money for emergencies and have fun this year...
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