Sunday, October 9, 2016
I am also a Scentsy consultant so you need look no further :-)
check out my there are a lot of fun products , the warmer you can change the scene is awesome I will get into that later :-)
I'm also an Avon representative also a lot of fun products to check out... I will be posting some of them very soon check um out see what's out there.
I will be posting the items in my other blogs on this site so I'm not overwhelming with everything :-) enjoy
Tomorrow at the center we are going to make pumpkin spice play dough
I had found this really fun recipe on Facebook then went to the website can't wait to try it , what a fun season experience for both the kids and us their teachers. is her website where I borrowed the recipe from , she has a really fun website is her website where I borrowed the recipe from , she has a really fun website
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Playdough
One of my favorite things to do as a child was creating with playdough. Now that I have kids I’ve noticed the quality of store bought playdough is decreasing while the price is increasing. I did some experimenting to find the perfect recipe and wanted to share this homemade playdough with you!
Since pumpkin is extremely popular this fall I thought I would incorporate that into the recipe! This workable edible pumpkin spice playdough will keep the kidlets busy for hours! Have fun creating.
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Playdough
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Playdough
Author: Real Momma
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (I used McCormick brand)
- orange soft gel food coloring paste (you can also use food coloring)
- 1 cup water
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- ¼ cup salt
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar (this helps keep your play-doh from going rancid)
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil (I used vegetable oil)
- Add flour, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, salt, cram of tartar, and oil into a medium sauce pan. In a bowl add the water and orange soft gel food coloring (or regular food coloring) and mix well.
- In a small bowl (I used my large measuring cup) mix water with food coloring paste (or regular food coloring if that is what you are using).
- Slowly add colored water into the sauce pan with the other ingredients and mix well. Cook on medium heat for 3-4 minutes. It will begin to pull away from the sides of the pan and form a ball in the center of your pan. Remove from pot and cool. Once your dough is cool knead it all up and smell!!! The aroma is wonderful.....if you want the smell stronger just add more pumpkin spice or cinnamon and knead it again.
- Grab your rolling pin, cookie cutters, pie pan or anything else you can think of and sit down with your kids and have a great time playing with your own Edible pumpkin Spice Play-dough and don't forget to sniff!!
Victoria Secret one of my favorite places to shop has a sale
I love it when Victoria Secret has their panties sale 7/27.50 there are all different styles to choose from, you can shop on line if you know your size and the type of underwear you like to wear. I first went into the store found the size and style I like so now I can shop online for them. The sale ends on Monday so hurry in today or pop online to chose your seven , always fun to have a new pair to wear . Out with the old in with the new!
:-) I'm gonna do a little shopping myself today I think .... never gonna complain about having a sexy new pair to wear.
The site is laid out well and easy to use......have fun . Shopping at Victoria Secret is always fun....
Sunday, August 28, 2016
found this on face book seems to know me very well
Your life motto reflects your attitude towards life and shows how you deal with problems. You are a born fighter and that's why you never lose sight of your goals and you won't give up before you reached them. This life motto suits you perfectly because it is the sum of all your personal experiences you made in life! Share your life motto with your friends and inspire them to reach new heights!

Good Morning :-) Fall is coming can you feel it? Lets make it fun
Since the end of summer is coming no we wish it weren't true but since we can't stop falls arrival we can embrace it. Take it by surprise and welcome it , fall won't know what to do. Of course welcoming winter is a completely different situation which we will have to work on ....much later one change at a time. :-)
How will we welcome fall, we've got to come up with something quickly since there is only one more week of August and it's only three days. Many towns are saying goodbye to summer by having fun events ,yesterday Casey Park had a bouncy house, food trucks and events during the day then a movie at the end of the celebration and of course you can't have a celebration without fireworks.
Casey Park is a very pretty park so you could add it to your welcoming fall schedule. The weather will begin getting cooler , if you enjoy kayaking you can rent them and paddle up the water and enjoy nature, very relaxing. There is a trail into the woods that is very pretty and will be awesome in the fall to experience.. If you have children they can play on the swings, there is a large play area and playing on the beach is always fun until the snow covers it up.
Fall is nice because it's more relaxing, summer comes and we all start racing to do everything we haven't done in the winter months. Everyone has weddings and picnics , family events, we all feel we have to race to amusement parks and festivals every weekend. Which of course if you are going to do them you really only have a few short months to go so yes we are in a hurry to do everything. For some reason families don't plan picnics in the fall, it could be done and it's not so hot possibly could be more enjoyable. Lets add that to our list of things to do during the fall. Take the family on a picnic in the park in September , dress more warmly instead of sitting on the ground put a table cloth on the picnic table and enjoy the changing leaves . Parks are usually open till it snows and sometimes even then if the snow isn't to deep. Perhaps that is our rush we are afraid everything is going to end on August 30th, nah there's plenty of time to keep having fun. Just bring a jacket or a sweater.
Going for walks in the woods will be more enjoyable, not so hot and hopefully less buggy. If you live in the Rochester area Greece has a nice park with a pretty trail that goes thru the woods, there is an entrance on Fetzner and English has another one. Webster Park has many trails to enjoy some more challenging then others so everyone can go.
In Webster Park there are:
Hojack Trail which seems very long probably for the more advanced hiker
Vosburg Hollow Nature Trail
Gosnell Woods Preserve
Whiting Road Nature Preserve
and all thru the park itself you would park at the main entrance on Holt road or if you wanted to sit by the water afterward you would park in the parking lot by the water then go across the little and the path that goes under the underpass odd to have cars over the top of you. :-) and you get to the woody meat of the park itself, paths are everywhere. You can enjoy the trees which in the fall will be gorgeous the sound of leaves crunching under your feet just feels like fall and the woods go together.. If you are very clever take an apple to much on while you sit down and enjoy the nature that is surrounding you. Fall is a time where we get to still have fun but slow down.
We can celebrate fall by going on the leaf peeping boat tours that are sprinkled around Rochester, now is the time of everything pumpkin! Pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, drinks, ice cream , frozen custard with chocolate sprinkles if a big favorite of my daughter and I. Pick up some custard at Abbotts on Empire then head to Webster park, enjoy the view , the company and the great taste of pumpkin.
Also North Ponds in Webster is an awesome place to go for a mile walk on a paved path. The water is always pretty but in the fall with the reflection of the colored leaves, spectacular! Very close to North Ponds which is on 104 but can be reached by going down North Ave or 250 is the Bird Sanctuary Trail . There are also the Webster Recreation Center and Chiyoda Trails. Off Schlegal Road you will find Kent Park and the Arboretum Trails which are very pretty as well.
The farmers markets are awesome all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies which end in October, I will miss them a lot . I have decided to buy as many as my budget and freezer can allow. I've washed blueberries and popped them into containers to freeze it'll be awesome to have fresh blueberries in the middle of January. Cut up zucchini , yellow squash, all kinds of squash have a variety . You can buy fresh corn on the cob cook it cut it off the cob and freeze that too. Why I say as much as my freezer can take. With the apples make home made applesauce , you'll know what's going into it. Even pumpkin, when the pumpkins come out buy the pie pumpkins take the insides out roast the seeds mmm, then cut up the pumpkin into small pieces pop into a pan cook take the outside off and freeze pumpkin is very good for you and your dog. Then when you want to make a pie or bread you have fresh ingredients in your freezer just waiting for you. Obviously I need a bigger freezer.
What fun fall things do you and your families enjoy doing? Write to me let me know then we can all share new experiences.
Thank you for reading, sharing and always enjoy the season that you're in. Just think of all the decorating with fall leaves and pumpkins we can do, well I'm excited maybe I won't even wait till August is done. And the bonfires, sitting around the fire pit with your friends..
you can go to your favorite tea places and pick up fun tea on those fall days, great for reading days,.
I am going to be a Scentsy consultant again i the fall oooo the fall scents add so much to your home. The smells of apples, pumpkins, comfort food smells.,
mums make the front of your home look so pretty in the fall. Another way to celebrate, they will make you smile every time you come home.
decorate the front door, by the way I make these so if you are interested please let me help you decorate.
rake up the leaves and let the kids jump in them, then afterward go inside for cider and donuts. Oh this fall is gonna be so much fun!
decorate your place, yourself and your pets
welcoming and celebrating fall is going to be exciting and lots of fun. Let me know where you buy your donuts , Schutt's also make amazing kettle corn.
How will we welcome fall, we've got to come up with something quickly since there is only one more week of August and it's only three days. Many towns are saying goodbye to summer by having fun events ,yesterday Casey Park had a bouncy house, food trucks and events during the day then a movie at the end of the celebration and of course you can't have a celebration without fireworks.
Casey Park is a very pretty park so you could add it to your welcoming fall schedule. The weather will begin getting cooler , if you enjoy kayaking you can rent them and paddle up the water and enjoy nature, very relaxing. There is a trail into the woods that is very pretty and will be awesome in the fall to experience.. If you have children they can play on the swings, there is a large play area and playing on the beach is always fun until the snow covers it up.
Fall is nice because it's more relaxing, summer comes and we all start racing to do everything we haven't done in the winter months. Everyone has weddings and picnics , family events, we all feel we have to race to amusement parks and festivals every weekend. Which of course if you are going to do them you really only have a few short months to go so yes we are in a hurry to do everything. For some reason families don't plan picnics in the fall, it could be done and it's not so hot possibly could be more enjoyable. Lets add that to our list of things to do during the fall. Take the family on a picnic in the park in September , dress more warmly instead of sitting on the ground put a table cloth on the picnic table and enjoy the changing leaves . Parks are usually open till it snows and sometimes even then if the snow isn't to deep. Perhaps that is our rush we are afraid everything is going to end on August 30th, nah there's plenty of time to keep having fun. Just bring a jacket or a sweater.
Going for walks in the woods will be more enjoyable, not so hot and hopefully less buggy. If you live in the Rochester area Greece has a nice park with a pretty trail that goes thru the woods, there is an entrance on Fetzner and English has another one. Webster Park has many trails to enjoy some more challenging then others so everyone can go.
In Webster Park there are:
Hojack Trail which seems very long probably for the more advanced hiker
Vosburg Hollow Nature Trail
Gosnell Woods Preserve
Whiting Road Nature Preserve
and all thru the park itself you would park at the main entrance on Holt road or if you wanted to sit by the water afterward you would park in the parking lot by the water then go across the little and the path that goes under the underpass odd to have cars over the top of you. :-) and you get to the woody meat of the park itself, paths are everywhere. You can enjoy the trees which in the fall will be gorgeous the sound of leaves crunching under your feet just feels like fall and the woods go together.. If you are very clever take an apple to much on while you sit down and enjoy the nature that is surrounding you. Fall is a time where we get to still have fun but slow down.
We can celebrate fall by going on the leaf peeping boat tours that are sprinkled around Rochester, now is the time of everything pumpkin! Pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, drinks, ice cream , frozen custard with chocolate sprinkles if a big favorite of my daughter and I. Pick up some custard at Abbotts on Empire then head to Webster park, enjoy the view , the company and the great taste of pumpkin.
Also North Ponds in Webster is an awesome place to go for a mile walk on a paved path. The water is always pretty but in the fall with the reflection of the colored leaves, spectacular! Very close to North Ponds which is on 104 but can be reached by going down North Ave or 250 is the Bird Sanctuary Trail . There are also the Webster Recreation Center and Chiyoda Trails. Off Schlegal Road you will find Kent Park and the Arboretum Trails which are very pretty as well.
The farmers markets are awesome all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies which end in October, I will miss them a lot . I have decided to buy as many as my budget and freezer can allow. I've washed blueberries and popped them into containers to freeze it'll be awesome to have fresh blueberries in the middle of January. Cut up zucchini , yellow squash, all kinds of squash have a variety . You can buy fresh corn on the cob cook it cut it off the cob and freeze that too. Why I say as much as my freezer can take. With the apples make home made applesauce , you'll know what's going into it. Even pumpkin, when the pumpkins come out buy the pie pumpkins take the insides out roast the seeds mmm, then cut up the pumpkin into small pieces pop into a pan cook take the outside off and freeze pumpkin is very good for you and your dog. Then when you want to make a pie or bread you have fresh ingredients in your freezer just waiting for you. Obviously I need a bigger freezer.
What fun fall things do you and your families enjoy doing? Write to me let me know then we can all share new experiences.
Thank you for reading, sharing and always enjoy the season that you're in. Just think of all the decorating with fall leaves and pumpkins we can do, well I'm excited maybe I won't even wait till August is done. And the bonfires, sitting around the fire pit with your friends..
you can go to your favorite tea places and pick up fun tea on those fall days, great for reading days,.
decorate your place, yourself and your pets
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