Monday, September 30, 2013
The re-done Webster Theater on Empire Blvd
Have you had the opportunity to take a peek at the re-done AMC Lowes Webster 12 theater?! It is totally awesome; We used to take people to see movies before the theater was redone and our company complained the seats were uncomfortable and the drink holders were ridiculous so much so that people would try to get us to come see a movie at their town theaters. But no more... the Webster theater is totally redone with huge red comfy recliner chairs, it is like watching a huge movie in the comfort of your home. There have been many times when people have been seen with their blankets so they can get the full affect.
We watched as the plans were displayed in the lobby about how the theater was going to look, we couldn't wait to have the whole movie experience. A couple things to be aware of at the theater:
1. Due to the huge comfy chairs, there is not as much available room for chairs so with bigger seats come less space to put all of the chairs. Because of this the theaters are always being sold out. There are machines in the lobby where you can purchase tickets ahead of time during the day or we have discovered Fandango you go into the theater and your tickets are paid for.
2.There is a new change in tickets now be sure to check your stub for the number of your seat, yea you have assigned seating. In our case the guy took off the number part of the ticket and when we went in people were in our seats.The manager was very kind letting the people know they had to move , I know I didn't feel right doing it, that is why we would sit somewhere else and the people would toss us out. Well we were in their chairs so I guess it's fair.
Other then that it is wonderful if you have little ones or want to snuggle with someone special during the movie the arm rests conveniently move up and the seats become a little couch, very special :-).
If you haven't gone as of yet you have to go and tell them Melissa sent ya, won't do me any good but I will be thrilled when you tell me how much you loved the changes. When you find something great you just have to share...right?

AMC Loews Webster 12
2190 Empire Blvd
Webster, NY 14580

Foursquare © 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Scentsy delivery
The world of Scentsy delivery:
After the party has been had and all the orders have been collected, the waiting process then begins. People excitedly want to know when it's coming and is it here yet, but it's understandable they are of course excited for their Scentsy product to arrive.
Then the day comes, the sound of the UPS truck outside, your dog barks letting you know someone is coming to the door and then the sound you have been waiting for a knock on the door and the big booming voice: "Delivery!" You hurry to open the door and find a huge box with the purple letters SCENTSY you know what is about to happen, you have just received your order. You struggle to push the big heavy box in to the room even the box has a wonderful smell or so you think until you break the tape and open the box.. mmm you know the familiar scent only to well.
Oscar runs over he loves smelling the different scents and gets mad if you forget or ignore him,.
People go about the Scentsy sorting in different ways ..some nicely open the box taking each thing out one at a time and smell each scent checking the people orders to be sure nothing is broken. Others especially the young ones just nicely dump the contents out of the box, waxes sprawling all over the floor. This type of put it all out onto the table belongs to me.
There is no mistaking what is happening in your living room and as much as you try to pretend you aren't excited, we all know better....Scentsy is a wonderful, fun product, from the moment you hand someone a catalog the curiosity begins, they begin smelling samples at a party and then it all takes on a life of it's own.
And so the Scentsy voyage continues from order to order, excitement, ordering excitement,
delivery...excitement.........smelling of the scents..a lot of excitement!
Now you have put everything in the order it belongs in, you turn on your scentsy warmer, chose which of the many waxes you purchased and then sit down on your comfy, get a cup of tea and a good book and you are having a Scentsy experience.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Fall wreaths for sale
It’s fall and so my wreath making is back into full swing…here are a couple I just made ..the
larger one is $40.00 and the smaller one is 30. Let me know what you think…
Each wreath is different from other wreaths you have your very own unique fall wreath.
Scentsy fall and winter
7 truths women have to learn the hard way
7 Truths Women Have To Learn The Hard Way
Posted: 08/07/2013 10:20 am EDT | Updated: 08/08/2013 11:13 am EDT
The author of the unforgettable story collection The News from Spain explains the tough realities we all need to figure out.
By Joan Wickersham
1. You Have A Good Girl And A Bad Girl Inside You, And The Good Girl Is Usually The One Who Gets You Into Trouble
The good girl waits to be called on. She takes no for an answer. She doesn’t want to disturb anyone. She carries maturity and good citizenship to the point of paralysis. She holds herself in check, tells herself, "Don’t you dare." The bad girl dares. The bad girl shocks me, and I have a lot to thank her for. She said, "I love you," and she said it first. She said, "I quit this job." She said, "I’ve been working on this book for eight years and it stinks and I’m throwing out the manuscript and starting over." When I look back at the things I regret -- the jobs I wanted and didn’t go after, the editors with whom I never got in touch, the misunderstandings I didn’t try to clear up, the interesting people I never talked to -- I can see how often the good girl was in charge: cautious and correct, and wrong.
The good girl waits to be called on. She takes no for an answer. She doesn’t want to disturb anyone. She carries maturity and good citizenship to the point of paralysis. She holds herself in check, tells herself, "Don’t you dare." The bad girl dares. The bad girl shocks me, and I have a lot to thank her for. She said, "I love you," and she said it first. She said, "I quit this job." She said, "I’ve been working on this book for eight years and it stinks and I’m throwing out the manuscript and starting over." When I look back at the things I regret -- the jobs I wanted and didn’t go after, the editors with whom I never got in touch, the misunderstandings I didn’t try to clear up, the interesting people I never talked to -- I can see how often the good girl was in charge: cautious and correct, and wrong.
2. Sooner Or Later One Of Those "How Can She Stand It?" Things Is Going To Happen To You, And You’ll Stand It
My father’s suicide. Without warning, on a February morning when he was 61.
My father’s suicide. Without warning, on a February morning when he was 61.
3. Having One "How Can She Stand It?" Thing Happen Does Not Protect You From More Things Happening
A year after my father died, my mother was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. Along with the fear and grief and rage, I felt a sense of cosmic unfairness, as if the universe had lost track of the quota and given our family more than its share of pain. The hard truth is: There is no quota. You can get hit once, twice, or ten times, clustered together or spaced far apart. It’s one thing to know intellectually that anything can happen; it’s another to actually feel the chaotic vulnerability of life, which for me didn’t come with the first terrible occurrence, but rather with the second.
A year after my father died, my mother was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. Along with the fear and grief and rage, I felt a sense of cosmic unfairness, as if the universe had lost track of the quota and given our family more than its share of pain. The hard truth is: There is no quota. You can get hit once, twice, or ten times, clustered together or spaced far apart. It’s one thing to know intellectually that anything can happen; it’s another to actually feel the chaotic vulnerability of life, which for me didn’t come with the first terrible occurrence, but rather with the second.
4. Sometimes The Only Answer Is "Who Knows?"
My mother’s surgeon said this, when I asked him about her prognosis. I wanted to hug him, even while I believed that deep down he knew that she was going to die. But she went through surgery and chemo and she didn’t die, though the next few years were terrifying. Learning to live with uncertainty is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and I’m continually having to re-learn it. But there is also something deeply lovely about uncertainty: the possibility of optimism. If the story of the future truly isn’t written yet, who’s to say it won’t end well?
My mother’s surgeon said this, when I asked him about her prognosis. I wanted to hug him, even while I believed that deep down he knew that she was going to die. But she went through surgery and chemo and she didn’t die, though the next few years were terrifying. Learning to live with uncertainty is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and I’m continually having to re-learn it. But there is also something deeply lovely about uncertainty: the possibility of optimism. If the story of the future truly isn’t written yet, who’s to say it won’t end well?
5. Your Mother Is Tough, But Not Immortal
My mother died 16 years later at the age of 82, from causes unrelated to the cancer.
My mother died 16 years later at the age of 82, from causes unrelated to the cancer.
6. If You Can’t Take It Or Leave It, You Might Have To Leave It
For me it was flour and sugar. I gave them up more than a decade ago. Sometimes I miss them. But not enough to take back all the bad stuff–the bewilderment and shame of trying, and failing, to be moderate; the 80 extra pounds–that went along with them.
For me it was flour and sugar. I gave them up more than a decade ago. Sometimes I miss them. But not enough to take back all the bad stuff–the bewilderment and shame of trying, and failing, to be moderate; the 80 extra pounds–that went along with them.
7. Love Doesn’t Always Color Inside The Lines
It is possible to be attracted to a man who is not your husband, even when you are happily married. Ugh. I don’t even want to include this one. But I guess that’s what makes it a hard truth. I have one married friend who admits, frankly and cheerfully, that she sometimes develops crushes. The rest of us don’t admit it. We hide it and feel embarrassed and disloyal and guilty. You don’t have to do anything about these feelings, but maybe it helps to know that other people have had them too. The bad girl knows it’s okay to write about this honestly. The good girl knows not to act on it. And in this case, they are both right.
It is possible to be attracted to a man who is not your husband, even when you are happily married. Ugh. I don’t even want to include this one. But I guess that’s what makes it a hard truth. I have one married friend who admits, frankly and cheerfully, that she sometimes develops crushes. The rest of us don’t admit it. We hide it and feel embarrassed and disloyal and guilty. You don’t have to do anything about these feelings, but maybe it helps to know that other people have had them too. The bad girl knows it’s okay to write about this honestly. The good girl knows not to act on it. And in this case, they are both right.
Joan Wickersham is the author of The News from Spain(now out in paperback) andThe Suicide Index.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
It’s the first day of September, Happy September to you …
As much as I love the summer the last few days have been
just way to muggy, the kind of hot that if you move you are too hot.
So now we welcome the Fall season, fall is a fun season
weather to fight with as of yet that’s the next season we are not going there
right now J It is a time for Fall parties complete with
cider ..donuts.. colored leaves and pumpkins. Everything orange, yellow and red
are, awesome now and very in the fall season. Decorate all over the house fall
leaves scattered add a dash of fall festive color. The smells of baking will
fill the air, pumpkin and zucchini breads, apple cake, apple crisp, peach
cobblers. Mmm J
Now is the time for hayrides, harvest, picking all the
vegetables you have been tenderly nurturing for the past few months. Mums come
in all colors and are great in the gardens now; also work well in the porch
boxes or on the front step to add color to the place. And it makes it pleasant
to go home to.
New fall scents come out you can have pumpkin or apple
lotions, candles and room sprays…soaps come in fall scents as well. Of course I love fall scents and since I sell
Scentsy I can surround myself with them at all times. There are many fall
weddings which seem different but very pretty with all of the colors of fall.
The fall is here ..enjoy it. The weather is cooler, hot
cider, sitting by the fire place at night.. going to fall festivals and enjoying
natures color show, we have a lot to celebrate and enjoy….have fun!
Enjoy the fall everything that your area has to offer.....have fun with celebrating its coming:-)
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