Tuesday, February 23, 2016

And a very Good Morning to you this February morning......

I am so done with winter and it's been a good winter or it had been until it threw a lot of scary snow at us.  As much as I had myself totally believing yesterday was the 29th of February and I was just that much closer to March spring and daylights saving time I am relieved there is still another week to February... Another paycheck with which to pay the rent that I have been worrying about paying and how to time it perfectly  because I needed that first paycheck of March to pay it and it's due the 5th lol which is the day after my payday.  March will come in another week and we will be sooooo happy that spring is finally on the way .We will again feel warm sunshine on our faces, and eventually the huge bulky coats and boots can be put away...  goodbye to hibernating tendencies that we can't have and hello to fun .. and sun.